Let’s work on this together




My vision is for individuals and businesses to find powerful stories that inspire them and carry them through change.

I am where adversity meets empathy, compassion and inspiration.


My mission is to re-frame adversity and transformation as a challenge and an upgrade and help individuals and businesses go through these processes with more ease. They will come out the other side stronger, more powerful and more aligned with their purpose.

De-mystifying finance is another passion of mine and I enjoy making the seemingly complex easy to understand. I believe finance can be fun.

  • Everything you have in your life right now began with a thought. The clearer your thoughts, the easier it gets. Nancy Kline - Time to think

  • Many of us never learnt the art of listening. Deep and active listening is a skill. Presencing follows. Otto Scharmer

  • Focus is an action and small actions gain momentum.

What we do


    Focus on what you want. Do you know what you actually want?


    Reflect on what may be blocking you and learn how to overcome these obstacles. It’s your game-plan.

  • Refine

    Continuously refine what you have learnt. Think of this as your new beginning.


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